The 12 Best Folliculitis Treatments, According to Professionals

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medication

Over-the-counter medications can be in the form of topical antibiotics, soothing gels and lotions, and various antifungals. Some people suffering from folliculitis respond faster to such medicines because they become more self-aware and responsible for their treatment. 

As folliculitis is quite itchy, using anti-itching lotions and creams fortified with hydrocortisone can reduce redness and inflammation. One can apply the lotion or cream directly over the affected area to activate natural substances and manage itchiness, swelling, and redness. However, doctors warn against immunocompromised people using too much of the substance as it can be contraindicative for their conditions. If folliculitis persists and does not clear out in two weeks, the patient must consult a doctor so they can prescribe a different medication.

If the folliculitis is due to fungi, a doctor can recommend using ketoconazole. Ketoconazole works by killing the yeasts that cause redness, itchiness, and swelling. For skin folliculitis, apply lotion with ketoconazole at least twice daily. If folliculitis is on the scalp, use ketoconazole-infused shampoo at least twice weekly. It is recommended not to take non-prescribed medications without any consultation to prevent any complications.