What’s New? 13 Treatments for External Hemorrhoid

Topical Treatments

External hemorrhoids are a painful condition that can make everyday activities difficult to impossible. There are many treatment options available, but topical treatments are often the first line of defense. 

Topical treatments come in creams, ointments, or gels, and they’re applied directly to the affected area. Some of the most effective topical treatments contain safe and natural ingredients like witch hazel and tea tree oil. Topical treatments can help soothe itching and pain and reduce inflammation. Some common topical treatments for external hemorrhoids include creams or ointments that contain steroids or NSAIDs, analgesic ointments such as lidocaine, antibiotic ointments for infected hemorrhoids, and witch hazel pads or soothing wipes.

For individuals using a topical treatment for external hemorrhoids, applying it according to the package directions is recommended. Topical treatments typically provide fast relief, and the healing process is often rapid. In most cases, you’ll need to apply the treatment several times a day for a week or more. Users should not use topical treatment for more than a week unless their doctor tells them otherwise. It is always best to talk to a doctor before using any over-the-counter medication for external hemorrhoids.