12 Symptoms Of Enlarged Prostate (Early Warning Signs)

Difficulty Urinating

Prostate gland enlargement is a frustrating condition among men as it causes them to experience a host of symptoms, one of which is urinary retention. Urinary retention refers to the inability to empty the bladder. Men with benign prostatic hyperplasia typically gradually suffer a more frequent incidence of urinary retention as the prostate gland grows larger and is left untreated. 

The good news is that there are medications that can alleviate the frequency of urinary retention. By reducing the size of the prostate gland through drugs, urinary retention can be managed with a high efficacy rate. 

After a thorough and diagnostic examination, physicians take a multi-faceted approach to treating urinary incontinence. A combination of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic interventions will provide relief and enhance the comfort level of many patients.  

The lack of physical activity makes the bladder retain more urine. Regular physical activity such as walking, jogging, and swimming reduces urinary retention significantly. Performing Kegel exercises enables men with benign prostatic hyperplasia to start and stop urine flow. Stress management techniques and double voiding are non-pharmacologic interventions that alleviate urinary retention in men with prostate gland enlargement.