What Are The Causes Of Ear Pressure? 12 Common Triggers

Ear pressure can be highly unpleasant. It happens when one or more micro tubes that link the middle ear to the back of the nose get blocked or cease working correctly. The ears are full or stuffy as a result of ear pressure problems.

Among the possible causes of ear pressure is ear damage like ear barotrauma. It results from the difference in pressure between the ear’s exterior and interior. It may result in discomfort and occasionally irreversible (lifelong) hearing loss.

The middle ear is filled with air between the inner and outer sections of the ear. It has three tiny bones inside that aid in sound transmission. The eustachian tube’s entrance, which connects to a region behind the nose, is also located there. The majority of the time, this tube is closed.

When pressure changes, the eustachian tube is occasionally unable to open normally. The pressure difference that results from that can harm the eardrum. Any age group may experience ear barotrauma. It frequently affects scuba divers. Ear barotrauma is commonly brought on by air travel.


Some allergens might also lead to earaches and increased ear pressure. They block or irritate the sinuses and nose, which are linked to the ears. Fluid buildup or increased pressure in the ears may result from this. In these situations, treating allergies typically helps patients treat ear pain and infections.

Ear pressure occasionally results from allergic rhinitis or nasal allergies. Allergies cause ear canals and sinus congestion, which can cause ear pain and discomfort. In addition, the body releases histamine and other substances during an allergic reaction, which can irritate the nose, eyes, and throat. In response to this irritation, the sinuses may swell, and fluid may accumulate. Pain may result from this affecting the ear canals.

In addition, allergies can also bring on ear infections. Ear infections are more common in people with allergies than those who don’t, whether seasonal or year-round. The eustachian tube, the link between the middle ear and throat, can become irritated by environmental allergens. 

The eustachian tube aids in achieving pressure equilibrium between the inner and outer ear. Moreover, the eustachian tube may swell due to an allergy, preventing fluid from draining from the middle ear.