Cirrhosis: The 13 Best Treatments You Should Know

Liver Transplantation

When all else fails, liver transplantation may be indicated for a patient with liver cirrhosis. This procedure involves replacing a deceased or failing liver with a healthy liver from a healthy donor. A whole liver or a portion of a liver may be used in liver transplantation. 

In most cases, a healthy liver from a recently deceased patient will be used for transplantation. Sometimes, a healthy living donor may donate a portion of their liver. A living donor may be a close family member of the patient or an unrelated individual with the same blood type as the cirrhotic patient. 

Cirrhotic patients who are ideal candidates for a liver transplant will be referred to a transplant center for further evaluation. In addition, patients will need to undergo a series of tests before they can be approved for transplantation. A cirrhotic patient will require extensive support and guidance because liver transplantation is a life-altering event. A liver transplant team includes a surgeon, a hepatologist, transplant nurses, a psychiatrist, a social worker, dietitians, and anesthesiologists.