12 (Backed By Science) Health Benefits Of Breastfeeding You Should Know

Mother and Infant’s Intimacy

Breastfeeding is a nurturing stage, a beautiful and natural process that creates warmth, love, and a special connection between mommies and babies. The link felt during this stage provides an exceptional bonding experience because it promotes skin-to-skin contact while showing the baby comfort and care. It’s more than the physical thing of just stroking and holding; the overall intimacy that is needed to breastfeed increases happiness and provides an emotional bond and assurance to the baby.

Mothering behaviors and instincts will be kindled during breastfeeding, as it releases several different hormones. In addition, there are calming hormones that are passed from the mother to the baby. This sense of calming being released builds trust and boosts a reassuring bond.

A baby will start to learn and recognize the distinct scent of a mother because of breastfeeding proximity. In addition, a mother’s soft- and smooth-spoken words during feeding will strengthen the voice bond built while the fetus evolves in the womb. Over time, a baby will be able to discern the voice and smell of a mother easily and will find comfort in the familiarity of it.